It is nice there about 4 hrs drive for me. I live near kingston Ontario
Truth seeker 674
JoinedPosts by Truth seeker 674
Anybody here live in Saratoga Springs?
by BU2B ini will be there next tuesday/wednesday morning.. .
About Shunning
by lostinnj83 ini wonder how jw's who shun their family members explain such behavior to "outsiders" like coworkers.
i mean its natural that co workers get to know each other and about their families when they topic comes oh how's your daughter or son?
how do they explain that?
Truth seeker 674
Thats about it Oubliette . Explains it in spades. I have seen it done many times and no doubt was done to me too.
Would you like the
by mouthy inrevelation book?
or you can live forever on a paradise earth???
Truth seeker 674
Good Day Grace and exwhyzee sorry to hear about your dad exwhyzee. I think I was for a short period "captured of mind" and filled with anger but I suppose thats the way it feels leaving any cult. This sense of anger subsided with me very quickly as economic reality of where I was set in, in my case I was too busy building a life for myself did'nt have time for bitterness but I was young and resiliant then.
All I feel now is a great deal of pity for those that are trapped inside. I really mean that.
My interest in preserving any publications of anybody is for future generations. Sort of like preserving Hitlers Mein Kampf or the works of Karl Marx. Many on the inside will never see the desolation and destruction brought about by the FDS, just as many never envisioned the destruction brought about by Nazism or Communisim but many will be saved in the future by having access to these twisted publications when they can be viewed through the lens of history.
Peace be to you all.
That's enough mental rambling for me.
Would you like the
by mouthy inrevelation book?
or you can live forever on a paradise earth???
Truth seeker 674
Thanks mouthy I like Grace much better
Would you like the
by mouthy inrevelation book?
or you can live forever on a paradise earth???
Truth seeker 674
Hey Mouthy (Isnt there another name I can call other than Mouthy?)
Kudos to you for telling them and not destroying the books.
I think it sets a bad precident destroying books for any reason. Especially when their authors are a bunch of Lunatics. If they go to the bother of putting it in book form it should be preserved that way they can't lie out of it later.
A jewish born Man Named Heirick Heinne said that where books are burned (or destroyed) people will be burned also. Theses words proved prophetic durring the Holocaust of WW2.
You probably are aware that the WT Society tells Elders that the Book "Shepherding the flock" should be destroyed when left unattended and not in the possession of an elder in good standing so that it won't be read by those they don't wish to read it.
who pays for this
by Truth seeker 674 ini am new here was born and raised in the "truth" was disfellowshipped in the eighties (my choice) i was wondering if any one could tell me who pays for this web site and who looks after it?.
Truth seeker 674
Hey mouthy I know where Fergus is my daughter graduated from the University of Guelph. Mennonite Country no.
whats in your heart?
by new hope and happiness inwhy was the ministry so much arguing over who our perception of god was?..
when we were witnessing we could thank jehover for the trinity...but now i think the trinity is what jehovers witnesses like to discuss as it avoids stops any talk on real understanding.....because our god is different and right we could always fall back on the trinity.. .
Truth seeker 674
I am glad to see anyone get out, I know its difficult but sites like this must make it easier these days. At least you don't feel so isolated.
who pays for this
by Truth seeker 674 ini am new here was born and raised in the "truth" was disfellowshipped in the eighties (my choice) i was wondering if any one could tell me who pays for this web site and who looks after it?.
Truth seeker 674
Hi tail spin I would like to hear your story.
MAN is a late arrival--why blame him for everything?
by Terry inalmost every watchtower publication we've ever seen begins in the garden of eden.
we are told the earth was created for man.
we are told man was given a paradise and that his disobedience introduced to the world sin and death.
Truth seeker 674
I find the idea of evolution hard to disqualify when you look at it objectively and the evidence. I always have, even being brought up in the "Truth" LOL it was hard to believe for me at least in intelligent design. Thats what made my exit from this cult inevitable.
My Father went to his grave thinking the world was only about 7000 years old. Just would'nt contemplate anything else. Its kind of strange (from a human perspective) how evolution plays games with life. My genetic make up and life experiance drove me out of this cult as much as some one elses brings them into it. From a human perspective some might try to explain it as gods will, I just see it as a roll of the dice and survival of the fittest.
Time for this Newbie to say - Hello everyone!
by SeventhSojourn inin just the several months i've been lurking here, i have benefited from many of the posters comments and viewpoints.
this is truly a special place for the unique community that has been created here.. after years of holding off my exit from the org (that may be another post) i recently became officially out (by letter of da), but it was a very difficult process as many of you know.
thankfully, i now have my wife (was also a witness) onboard and we support each other.
Truth seeker 674
Welcome! I am a relative newbie here too! Been out for a while though.
You are right though this site is hard to ignore once you happen upon it.